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Tuesday 14 November 2017

The end of the beginning......sad day

Hey guys, so I've been off social media for a while. Alot has been happening with me really and I'll like to share this particular one with you.
I've been off since November began, took time off Twitter and major Social Media websites.
It's been good tho, this thing has its own advantages and you well know it has its disadvantages.

I had an altercation with a friend tonight.

Well, it's all over now. Sighs
However, in the dark ambience of my residence, on my bed i began to reflect on the lessons this "drama" that ensued today has taught me.
Okay here are a few things, probably someone could learn from them and not make the same mistakes;

-Never allow your entire existence rest in the actions or inactions of any human.
-Learn to keep your emotions at bay and learn to watch your words when you're angry.
-Always have Self-Respect.

Lastly, pick yourself up, shake yourself and walk. Move on!
I'm thankful for the experiences, for the times shared and I'll always be grateful to these guys. I guess this is where it has to end.

Adieu my friends. You guys taught me alot and i learnt alot from you guys for the period we shared together respectively.
I hope you have the time of your life. I love you always.

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